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What we do


We provide advisory and reporting services to help businesses understand and advance sustainability in their value chains and deliver obligatory reports to comply with disclosure standards, thereby aiding them in demonstrating their social and environmental impacts to stakeholders such as investors and regulators. We have developed compliant reports to standards/frameworks such as SASB, GRI and TCFD etc.


We support businesses to improve the use of energy using our energy analytical and reporting tools. This helps them to better understand and improve their energy demand, thereby satisfying stakeholder’s energy sustainability requirements to reduce energy consumption, costs and emissions. We also have a flagship cloud-based application known as EnergiePad which uses artificial intelligence to investigate energy consumption in corporate buildings to detect energy waste. It also provides users with no cost energy management tips to reduce energy waste and carbon emissions.


We are committed to improving sustainability and can support businesses to review, measure, manage and improve the social and environmental impacts associated with their operations for them to achieve sustainability. Banking on our expertise, we can help public and private sector organisations in the design and development of policy instruments and strategies (covering sustainability topics such as energy, waste, water, carbon, travel, biodiversity, community and stakeholder engagement etc) tailored to their operations and supply chains to meet social and environmental sustainability obligations for the satisfaction of stakeholders’ sustainability requirements.


We recognise that sustainability is dynamic in nature and ever-evolving. An up-to-date skills and knowledge of sustainable practice is vital for improving the green and ethical credentials of businesses. We provide businesses with content engagement, visual arts and training through accredited sustainability behavior change programmes to ensure that they have an adequate knowledge and awareness of sustainable practice